im kinda just wanted to tell people the truth about being a teen mum and just a mum in Genreal.
Loads of teenage girls get pregnant each day so my mistake then others actually try to have a kid as younge as 13.. They think its all fun and games; that their parents will support them; they don't think of the early morning, the sleepless nights, tidying, washing , ironing, fincance and more..
Each month is a struggle to try and support me and Rebecca by myself. Rebeccas father doesn't give me a penny or even belives Rebecca is his for that matter. I know she is; but he doesn't belive me. So refuses to have nothing to do with her; i work 4days each month getting in around £200 that is just about enough to live on these days. I don't buy new cloths for myself, or get my haircut every month (well thats a lie i get it done at college for £2.50 now im a student), if i want some cloths it tends too from me saving up £10 each month to put towards a new top or something. When i go food shopping for me and Rebecca i buy basic stuff yet it still comes to £25 for a week, so in a month that can cost £100, thats without of the basic things a baby needs. To top that off to get a bus pass for one term cost me £111 i had to borrow money of family to pay for that and still paying them back now.
Each day im at college i come home tidy the house, do the washing, Ironing then pick up Rebecca from daycare at 5:30pm again by public transsport but my inhertince money goes on which leaves me with £200 again which i put into Becz funds for when shes older and if she does become pregnant at a younge age which i will advice her about safe sex and protection and most likley get her on the pill at 13, she will have money to support herself and won't have to struggle like i;v had too. The statics add up if your a teen mom your son/daughter will most likley become a parents as a teen.
Education is hard struggling with being a mum, being there for Rebecca and still having to complete the task set and trying to get GCSE'S. Most morning i have to be out the door by 6am which involes getting both me and Rebecca up at 5:15am to get ready for the day ahead first of all i have to take her to daycare which is 1hr away (joys of living in the country side) then i have to catch anther bus to get me to the correct stop to catch my bus to college which will get me there for 9.
When i first had Rebecca i was suffering from depression i didn't want anything to do with her; gave her to my parents to take care off and so on. Im not a perfect parent. I was put on medication to help me with the depression which included self harming & trying to end my life. It was a mixture of what had happened in my life which caused the depression. I couldn't deal with everything. I went to a thearpist who helped me out alot. its been 3 months since iv been of medication and 2months since i last saw a conceller. Our life is improving but it makes me sick that i couldn't bare to look at my daughter on her first few months; still to this day i regrett it.
I still have moments but thats not because of Rebecca its because everything gets stressful espically when i owe the banks money and don't have the money and getting letters through asking for the money like a few months ago when i was living with Sam; i went into -£500 and at that point i didn't have anyone to ask as i wasn't speaking to my family. Luckily i went into my christmas money and payed it off just means i have like nothing for christmas now but thats okay.
The theres friends/social life; i lost most my friends i suppose that was linked to the depression. None of them cared what i did' they just care about booze/drugs. But i learnt there not real friends, i miss going out every night, seeing my friends everyday, But i made the decission when i choose to keep Rebecca that would have to stop; i get 3days each month babysitting free when i go out' thats becasue of family again. I wouldn't get that if i didn't have my family.
I could go on...
So to everyone who thinks everything about being a teen mum is perfect your wronge
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