Friday, 16 September 2011


I haven't posted for some time,  I can't really update now, so i'll just say im moving again; back in with my step mum - Lord help me, Suppose my personal situation has changed. Anyways; Here are my chickens they've already moved in to my step mums. There huge now ( hang on someone just told me there english pheastants? Lol same thing)
Popcorn! on his new Land! :) 

My Nails <33 sorry i just had to post my love for these. 

Well my operation/Plastics is tuesday at JR. So Kindaa weird to have it taken out as its causing alode of pains. 


  1. So jel.. :\ The nails are BEAUTIFUL!! :D! xoxxo

  2. Thankyou they were only 30£ but gotta have em removed for work? gahh. xx
